Saturday, August 18, 2007

Refridgerator Magnate Winners!

I picked THREE winners this morning for the refridgerator magnates I featured a few days ago. Three lucky women, Shelly, Adelle, and Beth will each be recieving one of my handmade magnates! Woo-hoo! Ladies, please email me soon with your snail mail address so I can get these off to you. Enjoy!

Here's what each of them had to say when they left their comments....

"Love your blog! Your yoga story made me laugh, I was trying to visualize myself in that class! I just love these magnets! When I first saw the Bratz pic I thought I couldn't believe what I was looking at, however, your beautiful altering turned them into works of art. Great job!!"

"Well, I used to be a gymnast and I don't think that even in my prime I would have been able to pull off these moves. They appear to take alot of strength and balance and with more workout time I'll be you'll get there in no time!
Those frames are cute! And they'd look great hanging on my fridge ;)"

"I love what you did with those frames! As for the body training- my sister is actually an instructor for these acts of torture!"




  1. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Congrats are three lucky duckies!

  2. Anonymous11:55 AM

    thanks Amy! Just emailed you. Adelle


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