Friday, January 12, 2007

Immediate Creative Block!!!

Ok, I'm just gonna throw this out there in hopes someone can commiserate with me right now. It's my Mom's birthday on Monday, and we're having lunch tomorrow to celebrate. I, of course, want to make the most special card for my Mom, but I'm having a serious creative block. I can't come up with anything that's good enough to give her. Does this happen to anyone else? When it comes time to make a card for someone really special, I freeze. It seems like it can never be good enough. Am I just weird, or does this happen to other people too?


  1. The card you posted today is gorgeous! Why not give that one to your mom - I am sure she would love it!

  2. NEVER feel alone... WE ALL go through creative blocks! *wink* I just mentioned how my own creativity took a longer sabbatical than we both agreed upon on my own blog! LOL... *wink*


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