Friday, August 31, 2007

The Last Days of Summer....

A few readers yesterday had some questions about my photo studio lighting, so I'll take care of answering those first this morning....

1. I bought my light at Target and it holds a regular sized lightbulb in it. Mine is 75 watts. You definitely want to make sure you buy a clip on light that holds regular sized bulbs. You will not be able to generate enough light to take good pictures with anything less. By the way, I do not use a flash when I take my photos! I use my digital SLR camera, set the light exposure level on my camera based on available light, and then shoot.

2. The base I set my cards on is an upside down box! I just stick it under the fabric and wah-lah, instant table!

By the number of comments I received about my lighting studio yesterday, it appears many of you have been on the search for something exactly like this for a long time! I'm glad I was able to help--I can't wait to start seeing some fun new photos on your blogs too!

Wow, I cannot believe we are inching up on the "last days of summer" this weekend. The summer has gone by so quickly, and I'm sad to say, we didn't do anything fun or original or exciting. That's such a sad statement, isn't it? Our parents sort of took up all of our time. By the way, Muriel is doing so much better! I never thought I'd be able to say that to you. She walked for the first time yesterday! She's been off the vent for up to 12 hours each of the last few days! And she's SO ORNERY!!!! The good news about that is that it means she's getting well, the bad news about that is that....well, she's ORNERY! Not fun! Her stubborness is making itself known in a big way.

I made today's card this past Sunday, the last day I was able to get any stamping done. Boo-hoo. I am horribly, hopelessly, shamefully behind on my work! Both stamping and housework! I cannot WAIT until the boys head back to school so I can have my peaceful, productive days back! Some secret work has me scrambling to get some cards done before Monday, so I need to find some time to pump out these projects before I fail in my task miserably! I've got three friends who have placed rather large card orders with me that I have not started on yet. I've got some submission work I need to get done. And, I've got some blog prizes I need to get mailed out! Is it time for an assistant? YES!!! Will I get an assistant? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Sadly, no, there is no assistant on the horizon for me. Fiddlesticks!

Isn't the paper on this card GORGEOUS??? Mmmmm, yummy. It is from Daisy D's premium collection that I found at Archivers last week. The paper line is called Brighten my Day, and it comes in an 8x8 pad. So fallish, so cozy looking. I love it!

I'm pretty sure I used someone's sketch on this one, but I'm not sure. I can't keep track of who's sketches I'm using these days, so if it's yours, let me know. It's a very simple, easy layout, one that can be used over and over again. I used my sewing machine to sew down two coordinating paper panels, and then stamped the sentiment on a piece of plain coordinating paper as well. It was mounted on Chocolate Chip cardstock and placed on the front of the card using dimensional tape. It's so simple I won't bore you with the details. It's easy to see what I did just by looking at the card. No brain surgery here, folks. Just simple simon met a pieman. You've got to love that.

I am hoping to get some stamping done this weekend. We are going to the MN State Fair tonight. This girl is NOT a big fair-goer, but I'm being a good sport and taking the boys to hang with friends there. Then I'll meet up the hubster, who will already have been there at his station's radio booth. We'll walk around and gorge ourselves with fried-something or other-on-a-stick. Fried Twinkies on a stick were my youngest son's FAVORITE last year! Yucky.

Tomorrow the boys get their haircuts one last time with the barber that has cut the hubster's hair since he was in 6th grade. He cut my boys for many years until we moved away from his shop. Hubster still goes to him, but not the boys. So, that will be a big deal for them. On Sunday we'll have the hubster's family out for a Labor Day BBQ. Monday I'm hoping I can carve out for me-myself-and I to get some stamping done. This morning I have to go meet with my BSF Leader to sign the papers to be a small groups discussion leader in our BSF group this coming year. I am very excited, but oh so nervous too. I really need to be praying about this....

I hope you all have a WONDERFUL Labor Day weekend. I am planning on posting at least once, but in case that doesn't happen, I'll be back on Tuesday!!!!



  1. Oh, I am just so glad to hear about Muriel...sounds wonderful!

    It sounds like you are going to be on the go full-time this weekend. I hope you can find some time to stamp and share with us...if not, I'll see you Tuesday!

    Your card is to BG, Daisy D is a big favorite. The patterns you use together are the BOMB!

  2. What a gorgeous card!!! I love the colors- it's amazing!

  3. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Amy, it's great to see a good praise report on Muriel. Hope her progress continues.
    Thanks for the insights on the photo box. I will be hunting down the parts.
    I love the new banner and your new photo. The new colors make me look forward to the fall and some chilly weather. I pray you and your family have a safe and peaceful Labor Day weekend. Look forward to your next posting!!

  4. Anonymous1:37 PM

    So happy about Muriel! Your card is beautiful!

  5. I'm glad Muriel is doing better! That's good to hear!

    Another gorgeous card as usual! And on another note, congratulations on Caardvarks! I just read on their blog that you've been asked to join their design team! So well deserved!

  6. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Beautiful card, Amy!
    Happy Labor Day weekend to you as well. Hugs and smiles

  7. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Congrats on Caardvarks! You certainly earned it! Glad to hear the good news about Muriel too. This card is just too lovely to describe! Looks like you're on a win-win streak!! TFS and have a wonderful holiday weekend!!!

  8. I think this card would brighten anyone's day - just beautiful. Have fun at the fair. So glad to hear good news on the Muriel front.


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