Wednesday, December 20, 2006

a first

Here it is. This is the mini-album I made for my hubby for Christmas. I bought a small mini album last weekend in the $1.99 section at Archivers, and thought it'd be fun to make something for my sweetie for a change.
I wanted to make something for him that celebrated our family, that he could take with him to his office and have to look at on those days when office politics get too much to handle. Spending time looking at something like this will help put everything into perspective on those days when the big, bad meanies are breathing down his throat! I am pretty happy with how it turned out.
I find myself getting brain freeze when I make things like this. I'm not very "free" when I put my designs together, and that's something that I want to work on this coming year. I want to stop obsessing that there's a "right" way to do things, and a "wrong" way to do things....I don't want to be so formal and "uptight" in my designs. I want to have my designs be more "free" and "whimsical" in nature! I want to have a blank canvas in front of me and feel free to do whatever I want, and not get caught up in "design ettiquete". Does that make sense?
I'm not really sure it will make sense to anyone but me, but I wanted to share it with you anyways!

As far as the freelance tv and radio project goes, I'm still full speed ahead on that. Yesterday was a bad, bad day dealing with people that feel they have no other option than to "hit below the belt". I get tired of dealing with people like that. I spent most of the afternoon blubbering, and the rest of the evening stewing....Finally, after an hour or two, I was able to garner some perspective on the situation and put it to the back of my mind and move on with things. I was scared to get back to work this morning for fear of having to speak with this person who "hit below the belt". But, as luck should have it, I didn't have to deal with him today. Yippee. I needed to seriously recharge my batteries and put some time between him and I. I would be happy from now on to deal with him solely through email, but I don't think I'll be so lucky. Darnit.

Well, I'm gonna sign off for now and go have a bowl of ice cream. Yummy. Have a wonderful night!


  1. I love your book - very creative!

  2. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Your book is beautiful.



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