Wednesday, November 29, 2006

I did it!

I had a great time teaching last night! For those of you checking in for the first time, I taught a class at a new scrapbook store here in town. It's called Memory Creek. It's a beautiful and classy store in Farmington, MN. If you live near here, please go and check it out and say hello to the store owner, Ann! She's got AMAZING taste in designer papers, she picks out the best! I was just slightly worried as I arrived at the store last night, but the minute a cheerful, warm woman named Dee stepped through the doors, I felt right at home. She had signed up to take the class I was giving. Once I met her, everything else just fell into place. There were 5 ladies in all; Renee, Sara, Dee, Kyla and Jenni. Jenni is Kyla's daughter and the youngest of us all! It's just too bad she attends the rival high school in town (just kidding, Jenni!), tee-hee! All the ladies but one had either scrapbooked or made cards before. Renee was the newbie, but I must say, she did a stand-up job with her cards. She's an interior designer, so it only stands to reason that she's got good taste and is a natural for crafting! We had an hour and a half for the class, and the time seemed to slip by so quickly! Before I knew it, the gals were packing it up and heading home. Thanks so much to all these special ladies for hanging in there with me even though I was "green-around-the-gills" when it comes to teaching a craft. I promised them I'd post their pictures on my blog, so, without further ado, here they are!!!

This is Sara (on the left) and Dee (on the right)...

This is Renee...

And this is Kyla and her daughter Jenni...

Thanks ladies! I had a great time!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go, girl! I knew you'd do great! I'm glad it went well and you all had fun.
    Great blog btw. I enjoy visiting every chance I can.
    Rubber Hugs,


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