Wednesday, August 09, 2006

This is a great reminder....

How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and the strong. Because someday in life you will have been all of these.
- George Washington Carver

I really love this quote. It's such a great reminder for all of us to not go through this life in the fog of "me, me, me". It requires us to stretch our boundries, to pull others into our lives and treat them with the respect they deserve. It's SO hard to do sometimes, isn't it? Even if we're not weak right now, we will be at some time in our lives. What I need to work on is being ok with being weak, and reaching out for help if I need it. Mom's don't reach out, do we? We're the do-it-all people of this world! There are days I just can't do it all, unfortunately. When I look at the disarray of my home, I think, "Calgon, take me away!!!!". But do I stop and clean at that moment? Heck no. Do I turn and walk down the stairs and go stamp? Heck yes!!!! It's good I have my priorites straight!

I did get a few cards made yesterday as the kids scurried about me. They are 15 and 12, so I don't have to worry too about them getting into too many things (although Scottie's little painting escapade would discount that theory, wouldn't it?)
Scottie is wanting to go out and finish the painting we started yesterday, but there's rain in the forcast and I don't want to ruin the paint job. So, I've got him on hold for a little while until we can figure out what's happening out there. It's going to be one of those lazy days today. I'm going to stick around our cozy home and stamp if I can. I'm including a few photos of the boys, so you can see what they look like, and a few flower photos I've taken over the summer...
The pictures of the flowers was taken this summer up in Lutsen, MN, at our church camp. These flowers, Lupines, are beautiful and are found all along the roads hugging the shoreline of Lake Superior. They are one of my favorite things to see in the early summer up north!

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