Monday, March 02, 2009

Cruise Along with Me!

That's it. I've had it.

The dreary, dull, boring colors of fall and winter are being locked away, and coming out are the bright, cheerful, happy colors of spring and summer!

If spring won't come to MN, then I'll bring it artifically to my stamp room, IMMEDIATELY!

Can you tell I've had just about enough of winter in MN? I ran in to Archiver's the other day, which I hadn't been to for a little while, and I was elated to see all the fun new spring papers out! Especially psyched to see the My Mind's Eye Penny Lane line! Of course, I snatched up as much of it as I could afford, and quickly raced home to see what fun things I could create with it. It was just what I needed to kick-start my sadly lacking mojo!

When I was in VA last week, and working on the photo boards for Ken's funeral, I had to run to AC Moore to pick up some supplies that we ran out of. Since I was right there, I couldn't resist taking a peek and caressing all the stamps that were boldly staring me in the face. I didn't buy much, but I couldn't pass up this A Muse girl cruisin' in her convertible. This is going to be me someday, I just want you to know. One of my secret desires (once the kids are on their own, mind you) is to buy a red convertible Corvette and cruise across the country with the top down and my hair flying in my eyes! Oh yeah, and singing along with the radio at the top of my lungs! What a picture, hmmmmm??? Since a red convertible wouldn't have looked good with this paper, I opted for a lime green one instead. Which, by the way, I would easily settle for should all the red ones be sold out the day I end up buying mine;)!

To make my fancy convertible, I inked up the stamp with black ink and stamped it onto a piece of lime green paper. I cut it out and paper pieced it onto another convertible image that I had stamped on white cardstock. Then I cut the car (and girl) out and mounted it on the card with dimensional tape. My favorite part of the card is the swirling exhaust coming out of the back end of the car! Genius! I just know this is gonna be me dream is going to come true and this card proves it;)!

Have a great day!


  1. I hear ya about having enough of winter! LOL This card is ADORABLE, Amy! I LOVE those fun, funky colors! Awesome!

  2. Amy - I love your style and your attitude. Keep 'em coming!

  3. That is one cute card!! I just love it...and it's really 'YOU'!!!

  4. I'm with you!!! =) Ready for Spring!!! *said as snow is flying sideways outside my window* =)
    Nice to have you back...and thanks for sharing such an adorable & inspiring card. =)

  5. LOVE it! I love those papers too! Such bright and fun colors.
    Spring? Are you crazy? I am pretty sure we have at least 2 storms coming our way yet! :) I hear you though, I feel the same way!!!
    Have a great week!! ((((HUGS))))

  6. Amy, this card is so cute - I think I may have to have this stamp. Don't give up on the convertible. I never thought I would have one either, but I'm 66 years old and about 3 or 4 years ago my hubby bought me an SLK 230 Mercedes convertible. It wasn't brand new - we never buy new cars - but it looks new. I too wanted red, but they didn't have one the day we were shopping. Wouldn't you know it - they got a red one in about a week later! Mine is silver and our teenage daughter likes it better than a red one. Anyway, I love, love, love it and you too will have one. One of my tricks that seems to work is to put a picture of the item I want on the frig. It doesn't happen immediately, but somehow it has come true almost every time! It also worked with my husband - he had always wanted a Porsche and I put a picture up and the year after he bought me my convertible, he bought his "RED" Porsche! I was upset because it was red, but have gotten over it. Just don't give up on your dreams!

  7. This is fabulous, Amy! I LOVE the lime green convertible, the swirly exhaust and the FABULOUS way you used the Penny Lane papers. Awesome card. Hugs!

  8. So much fun, Amy!!! Love this card and how it fits you to a tee!

    be blessed,

  9. Amy, I am with you -- spring can come any ole time. No really. Come on spring!!!! This card is too darn cute!

    I was catching up here on your blog - I am so sorry for your loss! Big hugs to you. Even in sickness, losing someone is never easy. I'll keep your family in my thoughts and prayers!


  10. Amy, this card is adorable!!! I love that DP and the car image is so fun!!!

  11. Great card and I hope you realise your dream some day.

  12. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Oh I love the bright colors!! You are right bring on the Spring, enough of this dreariness already. I really like the image too :)

  13. What a great springy card! I'm sick of winter, too! I love the flourish behind the card! Fabulous!


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