Tuesday, December 05, 2006

the elusive "perfect" tree shot

I've been running around the house the past few days like a mad woman trying to get a good shot of the Christmas tree,
but,alas, I am having difficulty getting the setting right on the digital camera. If anyone knows what I should have my settings at to take a pic of the Christas tree with the lights shining, let me know. Here's one shot that did turn out, it's a pic of my favorite ornament! The second photo was taken by my 12 year old son...it's the lights on the tree, but he moved the camera (purposely) before the shutter closed.
Isn't it cool? I hope to get into the stamping studio today to do some "regular" cards. I need to get my stock up of birthday cards, thank you's, thinking of you's. I just have to finish up one Christmas card order this morning, and then I'm free to stamp. Have a great day!

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