Sunday, November 26, 2006

I'm Nervous.

I am teaching a card class for the very first time on Tuesday night. I am starting to get really nervous. Really, I know nothing about teaching others, and if you asked me, I stink at it. A few weeks ago, a wonderful woman named Ann invited me to teach a Christmas card class in her new scrapbook store. For some reason, I told her "yes". What was I thinking? I prepared materials both yesterday and today for the Tuesday night class, so now all the paper, ribbon, etc. is cut up. I just need to get it into zip lock bags. The store is expecting 5 students for Tuesday night, and 3 so far for Thursday night. Can any of my wonderful readers give me some teaching tips? I'm sure some of you have done this before....I so would appreciate your insight!
These are the cards we're making. I tried to keep all the colors/papers consistant, which made things alot easier as far as supplies goes. The cards are very simple in nature, which I hope makes teaching the class easier. Please, while you are saying your prayers tonight, please include me in them! I know that's presumptuous to ask, but I'm desperate! I'll be sure and post about the class on Wednesday morning!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:55 PM

    these cards are beautiful, i am sure the ladies loved them!


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